
Gerade bei Dead Island 2 hätte ich eher mit einen Desaster gerechnet bei den ganzen jahrelangen hin und her



As a feature-complete AAA experience with a price tag of $70, Redfall is a massive disappointment. However, that’s not how most people are going to play — Arkane is a subsidiary of Xbox Game Studios, and Redfall will be available to Game Pass subscribers on PC and console, day-one and at no extra charge. The barrier to entering Redfall is low and this might be its saving grace, allowing developers to continually update the game while thousands of playtesters provide live feedback. Hell, that might even be the plan.
  • Haha
Reaktionen: Cannibalpinhead


Der Text von windowscentral...

MS hat in all den Jahren noch nicht gelernt, dass Entwickler und Marken zu "besitzen" nicht alles ist. Da beginnt der gemeinsame Weg im besten Falle erst. Scheissegal, ob MS in der Entwicklung involviert war (etwas, was bei Sony recht häufig vorkommt), spätestens bei der Qualität muss man doch eingreifen und dann im Zweifelsfall auch die Reissleine ziehen.

Und dann immer der Querverweis auf den Game Pass. "Perfekt" für den Game Pass... Was eigentlich ein Qualitätsmerkmal sein könnte, verkommt so zu "Gott sei Dank hab ich das nicht zum Vollpreis gekauft"...

Aber gut, da wurden schon ganz andere Marken an die Wand gefahren. Ich hoffe, die ewig angekündigten Spiele die immernoch auf sich warten lassen, gehen da einen anderen Weg.


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One of the most controversial of Xbox's first-party releases, it's safe to say that Redfall arrives with users with a wide range of problems that urgently need addressing - and beyond the technical problems, the game itself isn't up to Arkane's usual levels of quality.
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Reaktionen: Wolke


Halb Mensch, halb Gerät!
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Ja hoppla, Schwamm drüber würde ich glatt sagen, wa? Da pumpt man für Jahre Millionen in ein Projekt und schwups, plötzlich Schrott. Hat ja keiner ahnen können, was da hinten aus der AAA-Maschine wieder so rauskommt. Kann man ja nicht reingucken. Außerdem steht die Anlage bei Bethesda und nicht bei uns. Da kann man nicht einfach mal so rübergehen, in den anderen Raum, und nachschauen wie's so läuft.

Und zu meiner Überraschung war es dann auch schon über Nacht plötzlich in den Läden. Die 70 Euro Preisschilder sind wahrscheinlich nachträglich auf den Hüllen gewachsen. Und überhaupt, wer kauft schon Spiele? Mit dem GamePass ist es ja sprichwörtlich umsonst und bei Geschenken drückt man ja doch mal ein Auge zu, oder?

Außerdem fällt das hier alles unter kreativer Freiheit. So ist das halt im kreativen Gewerbe, muß man auch mal Fünfe gerade sein lassen. Du kannst da halt schlecht hingehen und den Entwicklern mal sagen wo es lang gehen soll. Das die da z.B. seit Monaten nur Sperrmüll bemalen. Macht man doch auch nicht.

Aber hey, aus Sea of Thieves ist nach Jahren doch auch was geworden. Und Halo Infinite war auch nicht komplett scheiße, hab ich mir von Fans sagen lassen. Und wenn erst mal der 60FPS-Patch kommt, dann ist das Gröbste doch auch schon geschafft.

Also, immer schön geschmeidig bleiben, liebe Gamer. Und immer im Kopf behalten, beim nächsten Mal wird es vielleicht besser.

Euer Phil


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We weren't too impressed with the Xbox version of Redfall, but the PC version has its own range of unacceptably poor issues - from traversal stutter to non-descript, non-helpful settings menus, to visual bugs and terrible CPU core utilisation. Support for all modern upscalers and some kind of shader precompilation pass help matters, but this is still far from the kind of quality we'd expect from a major triple-A release.

ich vermisse die void engine. selbst die cry engine hatten sie besser im griff.
  • Huh
Reaktionen: eape


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jason schreier hat seinen artikel über die entwicklung von redfall veröffentlicht.
Development of Redfall began in 2018. At the time, ZeniMax — the large, privately held owner of Bethesda Softworks — was looking to sell itself. Behind the scenes, the company was encouraging its studios to develop games that could generate revenue beyond the initial sales, a popular trend dubbed “games as a service,” which was taking off in the late 2010s thanks to lucrative hits like Overwatch and Fortnite.

According to people familiar with the process, ZeniMax was strongly urging developers at its subsidiaries to implement microtransactions — that is, recurring opportunities within games for players to spend real money, say, outfitting their characters. Although this wasn’t an absolute mandate, several ZeniMax franchises such as Fallout, Doom and Wolfenstein would soon release new versions incorporating online multiplayer and monetization options.
At Arkane’s headquarters in Austin, Harvey Smith and Ricardo Bare, respected industry veterans, were tapped to serve as co-directors of Redfall. Following the commercially unsuccessful release of its sci-fi shooter Prey a year earlier, leadership across the company wanted to make something more broadly appealing. What eventually emerged was the idea to make a multiplayer game in which users would team up to battle vampires and perhaps pay for occasional cosmetic upgrades.
Developers under Smith and Bare said the two leads were outwardly excited but as the project progressed failed to provide clear direction. Staff members said that, over time, they grew frustrated with management’s frequently shifting references to other games, such as Far Cry and Borderlands, that left each department with varying ideas of what exactly they were making. Throughout the development, the fundamental tension between single-player and multiplayer design remained unresolved. Smith and Bare did not respond to requests for comment.

Arkane was also perpetually understaffed, said people familiar with its production. The studio’s Austin office employed less than 100 people— sufficient for a relatively small, single-player game like Prey but not enough to compete with multiplayer behemoths like Fortnite and Destiny, which are developed by teams of hundreds. Even additional support from ZeniMax’s Wisconsin-based Roundhouse Studios and other outsourcing houses couldn’t fill the gaps, they say.
Morale at Arkane suffered. Veteran workers who weren’t interested in developing a multiplayer game left in droves. By the end of Redfall’s development, roughly 70% of the Austin staff who had worked on Prey would no longer be at the company, according to people familiar as well as a Bloomberg analysis of LinkedIn and Prey’s credits.
The acquisition gave some staff at Arkane hope that Microsoft might cancel Redfall or, better yet, let them reboot it as a single-player game, according to sources familiar with the production. Instead, Microsoft maintained a hands-off approach. Aside from canceling a version of Redfall that had been planned for rival Sony Corp.’s PlayStation, Microsoft allowed ZeniMax to continue operating as it had before, with great autonomy. Microsoft’s Spencer would later say in the Kinda Funny interview that Xbox “didn’t do a good job early in engaging Arkane Austin.”
Yet during the final frantic months, the remaining Arkane staff found themselves stretched thin and the debut date was pushed back from Halloween of 2022 to early 2023 and then eventually to May 2, 2023. Along the way, Smith and other leaders assured the staff that the game would get exponentially better once the final art was implemented and the bugs were fixed, promising that “Arkane magic” would manifest at the last minute as it had with previous games. (Other developers, such as Electronic Arts Inc.’s BioWare, have been widely criticized for using similar language.)
Joost van Dreunen, a video-game analyst and professor, said Redfall’s failure highlights the significant gap between Microsoft’s lofty aspirations and its actual products, which also calls “into question Microsoft’s ability to establish long-term franchises on its own strength, rather than buying them outright.”

Microsoft declined to comment. In a recent interview with the YouTube channel Kinda Funny Games, Xbox boss Phil Spencer said that Redfall’s review scores were “significantly lower than our internal metrics,” suggesting the lackluster debut may have caught the company off guard.
“The disappointment of Redfall evidences Microsoft’s desperate need for attractive content if it is indeed going to beat rivals Sony and Nintendo at their own game,” analyst van Dreunen said. “My hope is that it will inoculate Xbox from repeating a similar mistake in the future.”


Ein Geschichte wie man sie schon zu oft gehört hat.

Irgendwelche geldgeilen, aber ahnungslosen, Typen in der Chefetage fordern eine Gaas-Gelddruckmaschine, stellen aber die notwendigen Ressourcen nicht bereit. Was bleibt ist ein Flop und ein zerstörtes, vorher hervorragendes, Studio.

Und was lernt man aus sowas? Man braucht mehr Studios die Gaas-Spiele produzieren.... bei den 100 Flops ist evtl. ja eines dabei was Fortnite in den Schatten stellt... das lohnt sich bestimmt! :facepalm:

Was für ne Seuche...
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Stranger in a Strange Land
Man muss sich bewusst machen das sie Redfall für Starfield geopfert haben, ich frage mich in was für einem erbärmlichen Zustand Starfield 2022 gewesen sein muss wenn bei fast einem ganzen Jahr zusätzlich plus Microsofts Unterstützung am Ende dann doch so etwas nicht ganz so großartiges bei raus kam wie ansich erwartet [inklusive der scheinbar immer noch vielen Bugs].

Kleine Info nebenbei: Nintendo hat Tears of the Kingdom auch ein Jahr zusätzlich nur zur Politur gegeben.
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ob wir dieses jahr noch einen 60fps patch sehen?

ab heute dann:
This patch brings a Performance Mode to Xbox Series X|S, stealth takedowns, new controller settings, Accessibility improvements, and much more. Explore an even more dangerous Redfall with an increased open world enemy population and new encounters. Read on for the full list of fixes and additions included in the update.
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Reaktionen: Cycrow und Zerfikka